– I publisher Annapurna Interactive e iam8bit, in collaborazione con
Skybound Games, hanno annunciato che i pre-ordini delle edizioni fisiche di Stray, il gioco di avventura in
terza persona per gatti sviluppato da BlueTwelve Studio, sono ora disponibili.
In collaborazione con iam8bit, BlueTwelve Studio, Annapurna Interactive e Skybound Games, l’edizione
esclusiva iam8bit di Stray per PlayStation 5 e PlayStation 4 è disponibile per il pre-ordine.
Questa edizione premium include un poster 14,4″ x 24″ dell’iconica prima immagine teaser rilasciata per
Stray, che richiama il reveal iniziale che ha entusiasmato tanto i giocatori quanto i fan dei gatti.
Inoltre, questa edizione contiene sei art card, oltre a una patch in ciniglia pelosa del gioco con il muso di
gatto, perfetta per adornare zaini di qualsiasi dimensione – il tutto confezionato in una custodia nera
Per accompagnare le edizioni fisiche, BlueTwelve Studio, Annapurna Interactive, iam8bit e Skybound
Games pubblicheranno un elegante vinile con la colonna sonora di Stray del compositore Yann Van Der
Cruyssen. Il 2xLP su vinile nero audiofilo da 180g presenta una confezione futuristica che mette in mostra
l’atmosferica arte dell’album di Fernando Correa, completata da un’elegante custodia impreziosita da
decorazioni in lamina.
L’edizione retail di Stray sarà disponibile dal 20 settembre 2022.
Mentre le edizioni esclusive Stray inizieranno ad essere spedite nel quarto trimestre del 2022 e il vinile
nel primo trimestre del 2023.
Per tutti gli aggiornamenti seguite Annapurna Interactive, BlueTwelve Studio e iam8bit su Twitter.
About Annapurna Interactive
Annapurna Interactive, founded in 2016, works with independent game creators from around the world,
helping them develop and release personal experiences for everyone. Their award-winning portfolio
includes Outer Wilds, Sayonara Wild Hearts, If Found…, Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition, Donut County,
Ashen, Florence, Telling Lies, Gorogoa, What Remains of Edith Finch, I Am Dead, The Pathless,
Maquette, Last Stop, The Artful Escape, Solar Ash, A Memoir Blue and Neon White as well as upcoming
titles Stray, Storyteller, Hindsight, Thirsty Suitors, COCOON and Lorelei and the Laser Eyes.
About iam8bit
Founded in 2005, iam8bit is a creative production emporium that has quietly redefined the entertainment
industry, time and time again. Collaborating with a plethora of partners and narrative-busting IPs, iam8bit
punctuates the importance of engaging with fans directly. By creating the videogame industry’s very first
community events, the company injected the idea of experiential immersion into game and film marketing
(back when it was simply known as “theatre”). iam8bit also played a crucial role in the vinyl renaissance,
minting its first record in 2010, and is the industry leader in premium physical editions of top-tier games. In
2020, iam8bit evolved into financing and publishing games, with several yet-to-be-announced PC,
console and tabletop games on the horizon. The company is based in Los Angeles and co-owned/cocreatively directed by Jon M. Gibson and Amanda White. Visit iam8bit.com or follow @iam8bit on
Instagram or Twitter.
About Skybound Games
Skybound Games, a division of Skybound Entertainment, collaborates with creators to publish, produce,
develop, and license exceptional video game IP across a variety of genres and platforms. The Skybound
Games publishing slate includes Telltale’s The Walking Dead, Before Your Eyes, Rainbow Billy and The
Big Con among others.
As a strategic partner of Striking Distance Studios, Skybound Games brings its global marketing and
distribution capabilities to the highly-anticipated survival-horror game The Callisto Protocol.
The Skybound Games team also manages physical distribution of several award-winning indie games
including Boneloaf’s Gang Beasts, and alongside partner iam8bit, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Untitled
Goose Game and more. Skybound Games can be found on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and
at www.skybound.com.
Stray in edizione fisica, prenotabile da ora

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